Lemmalytica offers a variety of tools to help you explore your texts on a fine-grained level, whether you're interested in word usage, entities, readability, sentiment, and more.
Named Entities
Entity recognition technology let's you see which people, places, and things are most important in your text, and how their usage changes.
Lemmalytica aims to provide modern analytics, in an easy-to-digest format, from quick tables and stats to unique visualizations.
Modern analytics
Leverage advanced NLP and text analytics models under the hood.
Unique visualizations
Explore your text through interactive visualizations, such as word maps, coherence charts, and more.
Data export
Export word and entity frequency charts into CSV format for further analysis.
Quick statistics
Get quick statistics on your text, including counts, most frequent items, and information content.
Explore references and blog articles to understand key ideas in text analytics.
Expert analyis
For extra support, consider Lemmalytica consulting, for full-service text analytics and storytelling.